Code of Conduct Handbook


  1. The Principal should always be honest, fair, objective, supportive, protective and law abiding.
  2. Should implement new ideas and plan to execute the college vision and mission.
  3. Should promote democratic values on campus and make the campus a liberatory and emancipatory space
  4. Listen to staff and student’s ideas and set a supportive tone.
  5. Ensure that the staff and students are aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college.
  6. Should be just and fair in interactions with staff and students.
  7. Should establish effective channels of communication and ensure ease of access to staff and students.


  1. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the academic community
  2. Seek professional growth through study and research
  3. Contribute to knowledge building through meaningful participation and sharing of ideas at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc.
  4. Maintain active membership of professional associations and organisations and build networks and alliances within academia
  5. Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical and seminar work and carry out all responsibilities assigned by the institution in matters relating to admission, invigilation and assessment.
  6. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra – curricular activities including community service.


Teachers should accord dignity and respect to all students across gender, caste, class, religious and ethnic locations.

Respect student's rights to freely express their opinions

  1. Be just and impartial with students regardless of their religious, caste, political, economic, social locations.
  2. Celebrate diversity within classrooms not just in terms of social locations but also in terms of capabilities and strive to meet their individual needs
  3. Encourage students to improve their academic performance and also contribute towards the community.
  4. Inculcate among students a spirit of critical inquiry and the constitutional ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
  5. Not humiliate, belittle, objectify or body shame students
  6. Be mindful of the fact that each student is different and they have different boundaries and sensitivities.
  7. Treat students with kindness and compassion


Teachers should:

  1. conduct themselves with absolute dignity and decorum in their dealings with senior and junior colleagues and students
  2. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment
  3. Be mindful of prejudices along caste, class, gender, ability and ethnic lines and not allow them to interfere in their discharge of duties.


  1. Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners
  2. Teachers should help in the functioning of committees and cells comprising both teachers and the non-teaching staff


Teachers should:

  1. Recognize that education is a public service and therefore should keep the public informed of the educational programmes which are being provided
  2. Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as would be conducive to the progress of society and the country as a whole
  3. Perform the duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of public offices
  4. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups.

Non Teaching Staff should:

  1. All Staff members employed in the Institute shall discharge their duties efficiently and diligently as per the rules and regulations laid by college
  2. All Staff members should display the highest possible standards of professional behaviour.
  3. Punctuality and discipline is of utmost importance.
  4. Every Staff member shall maintain the appropriate levels of confidentiality with respect to student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
  5. Every Staff member should be respectful and dignified in interactions with students, teachers and colleagues
  6. Staff members must refrain from any form of harassment or discrimination based on existing legislative norms relating to gender/sexuality/age/marital status.


To provide a system which promotes student growth through individual and collective responsibility, maintain discipline and conducive atmosphere for academics, the college prescribes the following code of conduct for the students. Students are advised to be well conversant with this Code.

  1. Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified manner of behavior inside as well as outside the College campus. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the College and should act in a way that highlights the discipline and esteem of the College.
  2. A six day working schedule from Monday to Saturday is followed. Classes are scheduled from 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
  3. All the students are expected to be present in the class well -within time. Late coming will result in loss of attendance for the corresponding lecture.
  4. Students shall rise from their seats when the teacher enters the class room/laboratory and remain standing till the teacher takes her/his seat or they are allowed by the teacher to sit. Silence shall be observed during class / lecture.
  5. Teachers shall be greeted appropriately with "Good Morning Sir/Miss" or "Good Afternoon Sir/Miss" and a “Thank you Sir/Miss" when the teacher leaves the class room.
  6. No student shall enter or leave the class room without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  7. In the events of Student seminars/project presentations etc., it is compulsory that all the students of the concerned class be present for the entire session.
  8. Students can leave the campus during class hours only after getting a gate pass from the Principal, HOD, or the Mentor and after making entry in the Gate Register maintained by the gate keeper.
  9. Students shall come to the college in prescribed uniforms, with formal shirts tucked into trousers with black belt and black shoes or semi covered chappals. In addition to this girls can wear shalwar kameez of prescribed color. Hawai type rubber or plastic chappals are not permitted.
  10. All the students are expected to attend all college functions in college uniform unless otherwise specified.
  11. All the students shall wear their identity cards, slung across neck. Identity badge is a public document and any teaching staff and non teaching staff shall have the right to peruse it. Denial of that alone invites disciplinary action.
  12. All kinds of tattooing, body piercing, hair styling etc. that goes against the existing social norms and which could go against the spirit of academic values will be referred to the discipline committee.
  13. Any dress code violation noticed within the campus will attract a fine of Rs.100 with further disciplinary actions for repeated violations.
  14. Entry of private vehicles of students inside the campus is prohibited to encourage use of public /college transport for all students.
  15. Students are expected to maintain silence in the academic buildings to maintain the decorum and, any deviant behavior such as hooting, whistling, loitering etc. will be treated as an instance of indiscipline.
  16. For independent study, students are expected to use the class rooms, library or the demarcated areas of the academic building and shall not resort to sitting in staircases or circulation areas where they could interfere with the free movement.
  17. Students are encouraged to make use of the library, common computing facilities and to involve in professional body activities or any program authorized by the college beyond class hours.
  18. Access to academic buildings beyond the college timings and on holidays without written permission from the concerned principal will be treated as a case of indiscipline.
  19. Keep the campus neat and clean. Do not put any waste anywhere in the campus except in the dustbins kept. Any violation of this shall invite a minimum fine of Rs. 50/-.
  20. Consumption of intoxicants / psychotropic substances in any form or smoking or using chewing gum, pan masala etc., are strictly prohibited, involvement can lead to suspension/expulsion from college
  21. It is strongly advised to refrain from activities such as scribbling or noting on walls, door or furniture which could deface the college and destroy the academic ambiance.
  22. Carefully handle the furniture, equipments, fixtures and appliances of the college and lab. Careless handling/misuse of the above could result personal injuries or damage to property. Follow safety precautions near machines and electrical installations. In the event of damage of property, the responsible students will have to bear the cost of replacement/repair with fine.
  23. Students are not permitted to arrange any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude in the campus.
  24. Students are expected to make use of academic, co-curricular and extracurricular facilities available to the optimum levels. This will certainly make them physically fit, academically competent, mentally alert and socially sensitive.
  25. Students who intend to represent the college in intercollegiate events shall take prior permission from the concerned head of the department/PTI and the selection will be based on parameters such as academic performance, attendance, character, existing Academic pressure and competence of the student in the proposed event for participation.
  26. On duty leave applications will not be entertained beyond 10 working days from the actual date of leave under any circumstance. The maximum number of on duty leave admissible is restricted to 10 days per semester.
  27. During internal examinations of 1 Hr period, students are not allowed to leave the hall within half hour from the beginning of the exam, and students have to occupy the seat 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
  28. The College Student Union will be formed as per Lyngdoh Committee recommendations approved by the Honorable Supreme Court of India. It will be based on a parliamentary (indirect) system given in Section No.6.2.4 of Lyngdoh Committee recommendations.
  29. Political activity in any form is not permitted in the College campus. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda work, processions or fund collections are forbidden within the College.
  30. Harassing juniors, ill treatment to other fellow students or any such form of ragging is objectionable and liable to be treated as criminal offence by the law enforcing agencies as per the directives of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
  31. Misbehavior towards girl students, use of threat or violence against members of the staff or fellow students will be considered as very serious cases of misconduct.
  32. Any violation of the above rules will invite penalty in the form of warning, fine, bringing of parents or any course of corrective measure as found suitable by any staff member or higher authority of the College.
  33. In case of any instance of noncompliance of existing rules or any observed matter/behavior that deviates from the vision and mission of college, all the staff members are empowered to initiate disciplinary procedure by filling in a standard form which in turn may lead to the constitution of an enquiry committee and further proceedings.
  34. Students are required to earn the minimum attendance of 75% in each subject or course (theory / practical) to be eligible to appear in semester end examinations or internal examinations.
  35. Marks of obtained in internal examination will be announced by the teacher in class, besides, displaying on notice board. Students will have the option of to redress any grievance regarding evaluation.
  36. Students will be given an option to improve performance in supplementary tests.
  37. Students absent in test for reasons beyond their control will be given chance in appearing in supplementary tests, otherwise fine will be charged.
  38. Students having and grievance/complaint of any sort can approach to grievance redressal cell/ principal of the college.
  39. Realizing the importance of communication, use of smart phones in academic activity and the possible impact of mobile phone usage inside the campus, the following guidelines are arrived at.
    • Students are not permitted to use mobile phones within the campus
    • The mobile phones shall be kept in silent mode while in college campus
    • All the staff members are empowered to confiscate mobile phones found with students violating the above rules.
    • Students violating the above rules will be fined an amount of Rs 200/- and the confiscated mobile phones will be returned to the students only after payment of fine
    • Staff members are allowed to use mobile phones in their respective cabins.
    • Use of social networking sites etc is banned in college.