
Principal's Message

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela

  • Education is the manifestation of love and my most cherished possession. Education drives away ignorance and through illumination it emboldens a man to a righteous thought and action. According to the views of Sree Kandukuri Veresalingam it empowers a woman and enlarges the horizon of her mind. It energizes a society and enables a man to earn his living with respect and praise. Hence my love for it.
  • KANDUKURI VEERESALINGAM THEISTIC College, under the umbrella of the Hithkarini Samaj, has been dedicated to the service of the underprivileged, rural and semi-urban students since inception i.e., 6th September,1972.As envisioned by Sree Kandukuri Veeresalingam Pantulu, this educational institution, has been running on a non-profit basis with a vision and admission to reach out to the common people, giving quality education with state-of-the-art technology on par with corporate colleges.
  • We are proud to acknowledge that 2022 is a historical milestone for two significant reasons, the one being, this educational institution is being taken over by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and its name is changed S.K.V.T. GOVERNMENT DEGREE COLLEGE on14th July 2022, and the other, it is the GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR to be celebrated on September,6th,2022.
  • Looking back with a great pride, we avouch that thousands of students have been graduated from this college successfully. Many have occupied positions as scientists, civil servants, government employees, writers, movie artists nationally and internationally
  • All these fifty long year the public, the alumni, the AP Government and UGC have been in support of maintaining this great educational institution and we earnestly hope that you would also back up our efforts to run this college holistically by extending your helping hand

    M.A (History), M.A (Politics), M.A (Sociology), B.Ed., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D.

    State Best Teacher Awardee


    Sree Kandukuri Veeresalingam Theistic Government Degree College





    M.A (His), M.A (Pol), M.A (Socio), B.Ed., NET, M.Phil., Ph.D.



    Name of the Institution:

    SKVT Government Degree College


    Ananda Gardens, Danavaipeta, Rajahmundry - 533101



    Land Line:

    0883 2461730

    Mail ID:

    Total Service :

    37 Years


    State Best Teacher Awardee – 2012

    Veeresalingam Sevapuraskaram- 2018

    Last Principal of SKVT College

    First Principal Of SKVT Government Degree College

    SL.No. Title of the Book Medium ISBN No.
    01 History of Education in Rajahmundry 1854 - 1947 (Rajahmundry 2011) English 978-81-8465-740-1
    02 UdyamalaloChilakamarthi (Rajahmundry 2011) Telugu 978-81-8465-826-2
    03 History of Cocanada Municipality 1866 - 1947 (Rajahmundry 2012) English 978-93-5065-116-0
    04 Social Reforms & Education - A Tool of Women empowerment - Some Reflection. English 978-93-5067-756-8
    05 Social Reform & Social Change in Modern Andhra English 978-93-5067-756-8
    06 Post Independence Social Movements in Andhra English 978-93-5067-756-8
    07 Educational Ministry of Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church. (1842-1992) English 978-93-5235-494-8
    08 Indian National Movement – With special reference to SardarVallabhabhai Patel English 978-93-5067-756-8
    09 History of Godavari District Telugu 978-93-5235-494-9
    10 SreeKandukuriVeeresalingam Telugu 978-93-5235-494-9

    Books published as Author:

    Articles published in Standard Journals: 30 Articles Published with ISSN

    Seminars, Conferences, Workshops etc., attended. 40 and One International Conferences

    Seminars organized as a Director:

    • U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on Social Reform and Education - A Toll of Women Empowerment- Sum Reflections, 18-19 March 2012.

    • ICHR sponsored National Seminar on Social Reform and Social Change in Modern Andhra 20-21 July, 2012.

    • ICHR sponsored National Seminar on Post Independence Social Movement in Andhra 26-27 October, 2013.

    • ICHR sponsored National Seminar on Indian National Movement – With special reference to SardarVallabhabhai Patel


    • Life member South Indian History Congress

    • Joint Secretary, Andhra Pradesh History Congress,

    • Joint-Secretary ChilakamarthiFoundation ,

    • Vice-president, Gouthami grandhalaya rajamandri.

    • Town Hall Trust Board Member.

    • Board of Studies Adikavi Nannaya University.

    • Worked as NSS Co-ordinator during the period 2000-2013.

    • Conducted Thirteen Historical Tours to various places in Andhra Pradesh

    • Produced and Directed the short film and played the Lead Role as SreeKandukuriVeresalingamPantulu in “YugaPurushuduSreeVeeresalingam” Movie

    • Video Link:>>